
JRS Programs in Canada

Every year thousands of refugees are resettled to Canada. Canada welcomes refugees and asylum seekers through a government sponsored programme and through private sponsorships.

Jesuit Refugee Service Canada or JRS Canada is an apostolate of the Jesuits of Canada. JRS Canada works with Canadian bishops and national organisations for the protection of refugees.  The office is responsible for circulating information regarding JRS and its international partners, particularly JRS in the Americas. JRS Canada plays a significant role in the shaping of public opinion about the victims of forced displacement worldwide. It supports advocacy with the Canadian government on migration and refugee issues through Jesuit works or JRS’ partners.

The office opened in August 2015, under the direction of Norbert Piché

See Our Work

JRS holds a refugee simulation with local community members. (Jesuit Refugee Service)
Signs at the border of the United States and Canada, warning migrants to not cross illegally. (Jesuit Refugee Service)
