JRS/USA: Jesuit Institutions Make Urgent Request to End Title 42 Expulsions

28 March 2022

A group of women, men, and children all carrying backpacks and other luggage standing and waiting in line to get transportation.

In partnership with Jesuit law schools and other Jesuit institutions dedicated to the protection of refugees, we urge the Biden Administration to end the continued use of the Title 42 Public Health Order.

For the full letter, please visit Georgetown Law here or download here. 


As Jesuit law schools and other Jesuit institutions dedicated to the protection of refugees, the promotion of justice, and advancing the rule of law, we write to the Biden Administration regarding the continued use of the Title 42 Public Health Order to expel migrants seeking humanitarian protection at the U.S.-Mexico border.

While we welcomed the decision taken by the Biden Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on March 11, 2022 to immediately terminate exempt unaccompanied children from the application of the Title 42 Public Health Order, the rationale for that decision clearly compels lifting the Order for all those seeking protection at our border. This policy is unlawful, dangerous, and inflicts profound suffering on extremely vulnerable people.



Border Justice Initiative at Gonzaga Law School

Jesuit Refugee Service/USA

Seattle University School of Law

Fordham University School of Law

University of Detroit Mercy School of Law

Creighton University School of Law

University of San Francisco School of Law

Loyola University Chicago School of Law

 Saint Louis University School of Law

Santa Clara University School of Law

Loyola University New Orleans College of Law

Boston College Law School

Georgetown University Law Center

 LMU Loyola Law School

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