Take Action: Build Back the US Refugee Resettlement Program

01 September 2020

The administration is currently considering how many refugees can be resettled to the United States in the next year. The US has already cut refugee admissions by more than 80 percent, and our leaders must hear that we are called to welcome those seeking safety. We must send a strong message to Congress that their constituents want to build back the resettlement program and see more refugees resettled and more families reunited.

Refugees contribute greatly to the United States in ordinary times and have continued to support their new communities during the COVID-19 crisis, with many working on the frontlines of the pandemic. More than 176,000 refugees are healthcare workers treating COVID-19 patients, and over 175,000 are part of the U.S. food supply chain. As entrepreneurs they have also founded both small and large businesses that employ and serve Americans throughout the country.

Urge the Administration to meaningfully consult with Congress and ask your policymakers to build back refugee admissions to the historic norm of 95,000. Welcoming refugees through the US refugee resettlement program reflects the best of our nation.

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