USA: High Schools and Universities Use ” Walk A Mile In My Shoes” Refugees Simulation
23 March 2017

High Schools and Universities are using our Walk A Mile in My Shoes refugee experience to understand what life is like for refugees. This community engagement event provides individuals and communities with an opportunity to pause and experience, if only vicariously and for a few moments, the frustrations, disappointments and hopes that refugees around the world face.
Read some articles about the schools and their experiences:
BC High: Refugee Awareness Week
- On February 6, 2017, BC High began a week long focus to raise awareness on the growing humanitarian issues of refugees in the world. In collaboration with the Jesuit Refugee Service and the Hyde Center for Global Education, they provided experiential learning opportunities to simulate what life is like for this growing population.
Fordham University: Campus Ministry Simulates Refugee Experience
- Assistant to the Vice President of Campus Ministry, Gil Severiano, organized the event to educate students and attendees by providing an in-depth simulation that would place them in the shoes of refugees. Severiano attributed aspects of the simulation to various other programs, including simulations developed by the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), Doctors Without Borders, and the Kino Borders Initiative.
Misercordia University: Students ‘walk a mile’ to experience life as a refugee(The Citizens’ Voice)
- Many students took time between classes and work to visit the “Walk A Mile in My Shoes” exhibit in Insalaco Hall. The nonprofit organization Jesuit Refugee Service developed the exhibit, which offers a simulation of life a refugee’s life.
Want to host your own refugee experience? Take a look at our materials here and download the toolkit to begin today.