JRS/USA Urges the U.S. Government to Support Education Cannot Wait
19 August 2019
Today on World Humanitarian Day, JRS/USA honors humanitarian aid workers who selflessly serve people affected by crises around the world. The United Nations established World Humanitarian Day as an annual day of recognition on August 19 to acknowledge the efforts of humanitarian workers who face personal risks to help vulnerable people across the globe.
JRS/USA would especially like to recognize those working in the field of education. With global displacement at its highest level, education offers a life-saving intervention for children during times of conflict. One in four of the world’s school aged children lives in countries affect by crisis, and of these children, 75 million are either in danger of or already missing out on their right to education. Education provides a sense of normalcy in otherwise challenging circumstances, helps children heal from trauma, and supports safety and security.
We continue to make education a priority in our mission to serve, accompany, and advocate for forcibly displaced people. Along with other organizations similarly committed to improving the lives of the displaced, JRS/USA urges the U.S. Government to make a commitment of no less than $25 million to Education Cannot Wait (ECW) during the 2019 United Nations General Assembly Week this September.
ECW is a global initiative striving to ensure access to safe, free, and quality education for all crisis-affected children and youth by 2030. It does so by promoting children remaining in school, improving curriculum, training teachers, and addressing specific barriers impacting the most vulnerable children such as girls and those with disabilities. ECW currently serves more than 1.4 million children and has trained almost 20,000 teachers in 25 countries.
The UN General Assembly Week will be an opportunity to bring together member states, donors, private sector companies and foundations, and civil society to learn more about ECW’s success stories and provide a platform to announce new pledges in support of its urgently needed investments.
The U.S. Government’s continued support for this initiative is critical to ensuring that no child’s right to education is disrupted by conflict, disaster, or displacement. Please join us by reaching out to your policymakers to show your support for Education Cannot Wait.