Lebanon: Allowing Education to Change Your Life
03 December 2019
Omar, a Lebanese refugee, is 10 years old and a student at a JRS school in Baalbek, Lebanon, where he lives with his mother and two brothers. He enjoys attending school every day with his friends and learning different subjects in class. Omar’s life changed three years ago when his father passed away. His passing left Omar’s mother to raise her children without the love and financial support of her husband.
In Lebanon, there are more than 1.5 million refugees, many of whom are children who do not have access to formal education. Omar was proud to be one of the children who attends school daily. He started school when he was in first grade, but once he reached third grade, he became aggressive with his classmates and no longer cared about his education. Omar’s shyness also hindered him from participating in class activities with other students.
The school administrators understood that Omar’s home situation was causing him to act out of character. They worked closely with him to improve his grades, self-confidence, and interactions with others. With time, Omar showed great improvements in his social skills and course work. He’s now a top students and great leader in his classes and throughout the school.
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