Reflection: We Rise with Him
04 April 2021|Thomas Doran
He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Today is a chance to rise with Him. Now is a time to climb upward into light, joy, and right relationship. At times along our journey, we descend into darkness, sadness, and isolation, but ultimately, the trajectory of the Christian life is up! Jesus Christ does not remain dead and alone in the dark tomb. Instead, the rock is rolled away, and He enters back into communion with those He loves.
In your life, what rock needs to be rolled away? What barriers are preventing you from right relationship with God and with others? Are you entombed by bitterness or resentment? Are you trapped by shame, fear, or anger? I invite you to ask God to roll away the stone keeping you in a dark, sad tomb. Perhaps you can ask Him for the grace to see yourself from a new perspective. Perhaps you can call an old friend or family member you haven’t talked to in awhile. Today, lay down all of yourself before His Cross. Ask to rise anew with Him.
Thomas Doran is a Jesuit novice from Omaha, Nebraska. He is working with JRS/USA as a part of Jesuit formation called “Long Experiment.” Thomas will share weekly reflections during Lent. Click here to see his reflection rom last week.