Putting Pieces Together: Jesuit Refugee Service/USA Releases 2022 Annual Report

27 July 2024

War has changed our lives, not our spirit. 

As we look back on 2022, we recognize that the world’s biggest stories led to some of the most tragic statistics. 

The UN concludes 100 million people around the world–more than 1.2 percent of the global population–were forced to flee their homes last year. These families typically do not know their next destination; they simply know peace lies elsewhere. 

Our 2022 Annual Report features inspiring stories of JRS colleagues who have mobilized where needed, building new programs this year to serve and accompany those who are displaced.

Each of us is a part of the solution. Together–by sharing our care and compassion, contributing our energy and efforts, and acting with generosity of spirit–we help refugee families become whole again. 

We invite you to read more about your impact in the JRS/USA 2022 Annual Report.


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