TAKE ACTION: Title 42 Must End

25 April 2022

Earlier this month, the Biden Administration announced plans to end Title 42, a ban on those seeking asylum at the U.S. southern border. This positive step forward in restoring the U.S. asylum system is in jeopardy as efforts to keep Title 42 in place are being considered on Capitol Hill and in the courts.  

Send a letter to your representatives urging them to support the end of Title 42 today! 

As Catholic organizations working to protect the rights of asylum seekers, join us in sending a message to President Biden and your members of Congress urging them to oppose any effort to preserve Title 42. We must live up to our Catholic values and uphold the human dignity of asylum seekers. In the words of Pope Francis: 

He who comes asking for freedom, bread, help, fraternity and joy, who is fleeing hatred, finds himself in front of a hatred which is called barbed wire. May the Lord awaken the conscience of all of us in front of all these things. We cannot be silent and look away at this culture of indifference.

Now is the time to speak out and take action! Urge the Administration and Congress to terminate Title 42 and work together to build a fair, humane, and orderly asylum system.

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