Rugby Rivalries Unite to Raise Funds for Refugees
24 April 2024
On the rugby pitch, Jesuit schools Georgetown Preparatory and Gonzaga College High are longtime rivals. On April 12th, they also competed to raise funds for Jesuit Refugee Service’s programs around the world.
During the match, JRS/USA hosted a divided booth where students from each school could donate on behalf of their teams. Throughout the game, volunteers from Gonzaga and members of Georgetown Prep’s JRS Action Team also dispersed into their respective crowds to hand out information about JRS and rally their peers to raise more money than the opposing team.
Gonzaga won both the rugby game and the fundraising competition, but more importantly, the event was a great success for doing good, with both sides raising awareness amongst their communities about the plight of refugees and how students can take action to help. Together, the schools raised over $1,100 that will go to JRS programs supporting refugees in the most pressing places of displacement like Sudan, the Middle East and North Africa, and the US-Mexico Border.
If you are looking for ways for your campus can accompany, serve, and advocate for refugees, you can host a similar event. Contact JRS/USA Outreach Officer Clara Sayans for more information and planning support.