JRS Latin American and the Caribbean

Number of people served in 2020: 218,907

The Jesuit Refugee Service has been present in Latin America and the Caribbean since 2004. The regional office, located in Bogotá, coordinates and supports the work of national offices in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Mexico.

JRS LAC works in the following areas: integral humanitarian action, education, livelihoods, peace building and reconciliation, advocacy and communication.

The Jesuit Refugee Service Latin America and the Caribbean (JRS LAC) is part of the Red Jesuita con Migrantes, a network of the Society of Jesus that reports to the Conference of Provincials of Latin America (CPAL). The network seeks to collaborate at the continental, regional, and interprovincial levels to support migrants and those in situations of refuge or displacement.

See Our Work

Flor Marina, an IDP living Cúcuta, completed a a sewing workshop with the support of JRS. Now she has her own business and she has been able to build her own house. (Maria Teresa Urueña/Jesuit Refugee Service)
(Natalia Betancourt/Jesuit Refugee Service)
Children in Magdalena Medio, Colombia, say no to the recruitment and involvement of children in armed conflict on Red Hand Day. (Jesuit Refugee Service)
(Jesuit Refugee Service)
An internally displaced man shows cocoa beans produced with the support of JRS in Magdalena Medio, Colombia. (Gorka Ortega/Jesuit Refugee Service)
A migrant boy from the JRS Bojay Shelter in Hidalgo, México. (Jesuit Refugee Service)


Regional office:

Bogotà, Colombia

Regional Director:

Óscar Calderón

Visit the JRS LAC Website